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Dragon Age Inquisition The Grandin Choice

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Grandin Choice


In Dragon Age Inquisition, players are faced with a difficult choice at the end of the quest "The Lost Friend." They must decide whether to kill or let go of Scout Grandin, a spirit who has possessed the body of their friend.

Grandin's Possession

Grandin is a spirit of the Fade, a realm of magic and dreams. He was once a powerful mage, but he was corrupted by the demon Razikale. Grandin now seeks to possess the bodies of others to gain power. When Grandin possesses someone, he takes control of their body and mind. The victim becomes a mindless slave to Grandin's will. In the case of Scout Grandin, his friend has been possessed for years.

The Choice

At the end of the quest, the Inquisitor must decide whether to kill or let go of Grandin. If they choose to kill him, Grandin will be destroyed and his friend will be freed. However, if they choose to let him go, Grandin will continue to possess their friend and use them for his own evil purposes.

The Consequences

The choice of whether to kill or let go of Grandin has far-reaching consequences. If the Inquisitor kills Grandin, they will save their friend from a life of possession. However, they will also destroy a powerful spirit who could have been used for good. If the Inquisitor lets Grandin go, they will condemn their friend to a life of slavery. However, they may also be able to find a way to free their friend from Grandin's control.


The decision of whether to kill or let go of Grandin is one of the most difficult choices in Dragon Age Inquisition. There is no easy answer, and each choice has its own consequences. Ultimately, the decision is up to the player, and it will have a lasting impact on the story of the game.
